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You are being asked to participate in a study of peoples' use of Facebook and how it impacts on their self esteem. This scientific survey contains questions about your use of social networking sites; how you respond to your friends' Facebook status updates and a measure of self esteem. In order to participate you must be 18 or older.

The research project is being conducted by Dr. Richard Joiner (Senior Lecturer, University of Bath, Bath, UK, telephone +441225 384373) and Renda Ng (Reserach Assistant, University of Bath, Bath, UK)

Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of social networking sites and how it impacts on on individuals' self esteem.

Description of the Study
The study contains a series of questions, all of them can be answered by simply checking a box. The first set of questions asks you about your experience using social networking sites, the second set ask you how you would respond to status updates from a friend and the final is a measure of self esteem. All answers are confidential, and you will not be asked to provide a name or other identifying information. The entire survey should take you about 20 minutes.

Risks or Discomforts
There are no health risks or discomforts associated with participating in this project. However, if you should feel uncomfortable, you may discontinue participation at any time, either temporarily or permanently, and it will not affect your relationship with the researcher or the school.

Benefits of the Study
This study will help us learn more about how the use of social networking sites impacts on indvidulas' self esteem. There are no benefits for research subjects participating in this study.

Voluntary Nature of Participation
Participation in this study is voluntary. If you decide to participate, you are free to withdraw your consent and stop participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits you are entitled.

Your answers will be anonymous and confidential as they will not contain identifying information when they are stored and the data analyzed.

Questions about this Study
If you have any questions about this study or your rights as a participant, you may contact Dr. Richard Joiner at (telephone +441225 384373). The study has ethical approval from the Department of Psychology at the University of Bath (ID 15-068)

By pressing 'START ONLINE SURVEY'. Submitting this survey is considered as consent. You can change your mind and withdraw your consent at any time. By signing this consent form you are not giving up any of your legal rights.

Start Online Survey